SO Who are Stewbum & Stonewall?
The legend of Stewbum & Stonewall began in the early 1970's when two fine gentlemen, Joseph T. Garvey (aka Stewbum, aka Joe Mama) and Thomas R. Jackson (aka Stonewall, aka Homer) met in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania while dating girls that were sisters. Becoming instant best friends, they were blue-collar, hardworking guys who loved cracking jokes, muscle cars, great music, one-liners, telling stories, football, general monkey business and of course, beer. Lots and lots of beer.
This brewery was founded by Darren J. Garvey (son of Stewbum) and Eric T. Jackson (son of Stonewall) as a tribute to the friendship and lives of our fathers.
The picture that inspired the OG logo. Stonewall on the left, Stewbum on the right.
The original logo from 2014.